

本政策涵盖我们如何处理在本网站收集的您的个人信息, 或者我们收到的, 包括您过去使用我们网站和服务的相关信息. 个人信息是关于您的个人身份信息,如您的姓名, address, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 和你的IP地址.  我们网站的所有用户必须同意我们的使用条款和条件, 包括我们所有的政策, 作为使用我们网站的条件. 作为你同意的一部分,我们可以接受, 按照我们的条款和条件存储和使用个人信息, 以及我们的Cookie政策所规定的.


We do not require visitors to supply personally identifiable information when accessing public areas of the site. 当你浏览网站时, 你可以匿名这么做, 除非您已经提交了在线注册表格并选择了密码. We do log your IP address (the Internet address of your computer) to give us an idea of which part of our website you visit and how long you spend there, and may link your IP address to other personal information if you have logged into our website through registration and a password, or if you submit a form from the site or otherwise request additional information even if you have not logged into the site.

我们会在您注册时收集您的个人身份信息, 进入某些受限制的工地区域, 下订单, 请求其他信息, 或以其他方式与我们沟通我们的产品. 另外, 当您注册参加研讨会时,我们可能会收集您的个人身份信息, 要求将自己包含在电子邮件或其他邮件列表中, 提交一个抽奖或其他促销活动的条目, 或您因任何其他原因向我们提交您的个人信息. 我们不时从业务合作伙伴和供应商处收到个人信息. We only use such information if it has been collected in accordance with acceptable industry privacy practices consistent with this policy and applicable laws. 个人身份信息可能与我们已知的其他信息合并, 例如,您是否是立博客户端app下载的当前客户, or whether you or your organization has had past contact with 立博客户端app下载 sales or marketing activities.

Your registration and logging into our website is your agreement and consent to provide us with personal information and your agreement on how we manage, 维护和使用这些信息. Registered users are able to edit and update information designated by 立博客户端app下载 as user modifiable.  You may still visit our website without providing us with personal information by not registering and logging in, 但您可能无法访问网站的所有区域或所有服务. 你总是有机会取消订阅我们的电子邮件.  We may send you informational emails from time to time to notify you of your rights or obligations if we determine that it is necessary to do so.


我们出于各种原因收集这些信息, 包括我们努力通知你的事情,如产品升级, 特别优惠, 确保你能接触到你可能感兴趣的信息. 但是,我们不会将个人身份信息出售或出租给其他组织. 有时, we may share personally identifiable information with an authorized 立博客户端app下载 solution provider. 


We take measures to protect the security of your personal information and to ensure that your choices for its intended use are honored. 我们保护您的数据不丢失, 滥用, 未经授权的访问或披露, 变更, 或破坏. 不幸的是, 我们不能, 不要, 保证互联网上数据传输的安全, or that a malicious third party will not be successful at misappropriating your personal information from our servers. 因此,您向我们提供您的个人信息时,风险由您自行承担.

我们努力为信用卡交易提供一个安全的环境. 交易完成后,我们将不再存储您的信用卡信息.

我们收集的所有信息, 无论是来自美国国内还是国外, 存储在我们位于美国和加拿大的合约服务器上. 

We do not guarantee that your communications and other personally identifiable information will never be disclosed in ways not described in this 隐私政策, 或者是用你不会选择的方式. 这包括, 但不限于, 要求向政府披露, 根据法院的命令, 通过非法拦截. We can (and you authorize us to) disclose any information about you to law enforcement or other government officials as we, 由我方全权决定, 认为是必要的或适当的, 与一起欺诈调查有关, intellectual property infringement or other activity that is illegal or may expose us to legal liability. 因此, 尽管我们将尽力保护您的隐私,如本隐私政策所述, 我们不承诺, 你不应该期望, 您的个人身份信息或私人通信将继续保密.

Your account with us is password protected so that only you can access it and view the information relevant to the account. 我们建议你不要把你的密码泄露给任何人. 我们绝不会在不请自来的电话或电子邮件中要求您提供密码. 最终, 您有责任对您的密码和任何帐户信息保密.

If, 通过使用我们网站的链接, you access the website or services of a third party then the protection of your information relating to their services will be governed by the privacy policy of the third party.


当您使用我们的移动应用程序时, we collect and use information about you in the same way and for the same purposes as we do when you use our website, 我们可能会收集有关您访问和使用的移动应用功能的信息, 以及设备的唯一设备标识符. 当你使用手机应用程序时, 您可以通过设备上的设置选择允许访问您的当前位置. 如果您选择允许访问, this location data may be collected anonymously as part of search requests logged by our servers. You can switch off the Mobile App’s access to your location at any time through your phone settings menu. 我们也可能会收到错误报告,以改进应用程序, 其中可能包括有关移动设备类型和版本的信息, 以及我们用来调查错误的手机id. You can control the information provided to 立博客户端app下载 through your device’s settings and controls, 或者你可以完全删除应用程序,结束所有访问.


You may request at any time that the personally identifiable information you provide on a registration page not be used for direct email marketing purposes by 立博客户端app下载.

要提出此请求,您可以通过以下方式与立博客户端app下载联系 support@healing-kitchen.net 我们会把你的电子邮件地址从我们的邮件分发中删除.

另外, at the bottom of each marketing email 立博客户端app下载 sends we provide a link to opt-out of the email list. By clicking on this link you will be guided through the automated process that will remove your 电子邮件地址 from being included future mailings.

如果您需要进一步帮助或有其他问题,请发送电子邮件至 support@healing-kitchen.net. 请提供您的全名, 电子邮件地址和电话号码,以便我们可以适当地解决您的问题.

立博客户端app下载的网站可能包含指向其他非立博客户端app下载网站的“链接”. 非立博客户端app下载网站也可能链接到立博客户端app下载网站. We are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by those non-立博客户端app下载 web sites. 


我们采用了cookies政策,该政策已在我们的网站上公布. Our 饼干的政策 provides you with additional information regarding what cookies we place on your computer and their function. 因为cookie涉及隐私问题,我们在这里也提到了cookie.

这是许多网站的情况, 当您访问我们的网站或填写注册表格时, 我们将在您的计算机上放置一个“cookie”, 这样我们就能在你回来时更快地认出你了. 我们使用这项技术并不意味着我们自动了解您的任何信息. They are used to identify you as a unique visitor to our site and are used to determine which pages and information you find most useful or interesting, 并可用于定向广告. 

Our website does not offer you the ability to enter cookie settings but you can make cookie settings through your web browser, 包括拒绝接受像我们这样的网站提供的“cookies”. 除密码保护区域的网站, 您不会被拒绝访问WWW的任何其他部分.立博客户端app下载.Com,因为您拒绝接受“cookie”。. 然而, your transactions through this Web site may be delayed due to the time it takes you to re-enter basic information necessary to complete a transaction.

We also may permit companies that show advertisements or that link their services on some of our pages to place and access cookies on your computer. 其他公司对cookie的使用受制于他们自己的隐私政策,而不是我们的隐私政策. 此类广告商和其他第三方无法访问我们的cookie, 但我们可能会不时分享您访问我们网站的信息, 结合有关您的购买和兴趣的非个人身份信息, 通过使用像素标签(也称为清晰gif), in order to utilize targeted marketing strategies in providing you with services and advertising. If you would like more information about the information collection practices of third-party advertising companies, 并且知道你可以选择不让这些信息被他们利用, 请访问各公司的网站.


我们是一家商业公司,不向儿童提供服务. Should any person under 18 seek to register with us we will use that information only to communicate our rejection of that registration request.


由于立博客户端app下载使用快速发展的技术与您沟通, 立博客户端app下载可能会不时更新本隐私声明. 任何修订通知将张贴在本隐私声明网页上. 


您可以向我们发送有关立博客户端app下载隐私政策的任何意见或问题 privacypolicy@healing-kitchen.net,或写信给我们;


